Monday, June 27, 2005

BBC: Talk about English on June 22nd

Actually, I listened to this edition of "talk about English" once on the very day it was broadcasted, but I did once again back at home today. There were actually three main subjects, but I chose to learn one of them: it's about some useful vocabulary connected with food shopping
  • I go into the greengrocer's to by vegetables and some fruit. Moreover, I also pick up some fresh herbs and seasonings there
  • I go into the butcher's to buy fresh meat.
  • I go into the fishmonger's to buy fish.
Herbs are various plants that are used in cooking and they give foods particular flavours. They can be fresh or dried (such as mints). Seasonings are also used to give foods particular flavours, but the word is just a general term to describe things like salt, papper or spices.

Speaking about foods, someone might be on the lookout for organic and healthy options. 'To be on the lookout for' means 'to be concerned about' or 'to search for'. Organic food is the type of food produced without any artificial ingredients or without any chemicals used for example spray crops, while healty food... you know!